Wednesday, February 27, 2008

building scenery on the owNry

I have been busy over past few days building scenery with Jim Younkins. We built up Hoyt industrial as photo to right shows.

and we spent most of time building up east end of layout wehre there are multiple levels.

more photos here.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

6 trains in North Fork bridge before the storm

Went to Feather River Canyon yesterday in between storms and saw 6 trains Here are some photos. Will also post movies on my youtube site later on

Friday, February 15, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Winter slow down

Haven't been doing much in layout room. Had a business trip to India in December then holidays, then sick..yada yada. Then snow and too cold so stayed by warm fire in living room. Photo at right was taken at pond below our house.

but I am getting back into groove. Jim Younkins is visiting in 2 weeks to help kick start my scenery so I am going out to work on the Eugene staging lead track and fix the switch power in Pasco Yard prior to his arrival.

Stay tuned