first, we are staying at Dolores, CO, RV park. found it in AAA camping book. this is about 30 minutes north of Mesa Verde where spouse really really wanted to visit.
As we are driving into town I see a sign at a station on the left that says "Denver & Rio Grande Southern". Yes, I have heard of it. in fact know that there are a lot of narrow-minded, er...narrow guage guys who model this. Hmm. museum...hmm. so today, after 1.5 days of looking at cliff dwellings, I finally get to stop and take a look.. WOW. see attached photo. Didn't realize Dolores essentially midpoint of DRGS between Ridgeway (never heard of until today) and Durango (where I am headed on Saturday to ride a train). not only that, but it is home to the Galloping Goose #5 and I have that model at home. however, sigh, the Goose is over running in Chama this weekend and coming back here on Monday. Wait. we are going ot Chama on Monday...darn..
anyway, still a find. amazing what you find when you are not looking. (or don't find).
well, onto other trains.